Say Cheese! Did You Know Texas Cocaine Now Comes in Cheese Flavor?
A pickup truck was recently stopped as it was coming over the border from Mexico where agents seized cheese that allegedly had nose candy hidden in it.

We've all seen and heard the different ways drug smugglers are getting their products into the United States. Whether the stash is hidden in tires, compartments in cars, gas tanks, or even inside people (ew), smugglers have come up with many clever ways of getting their drugs into the U.S.
Smugglers will sometimes try to conceal contraband in items that appear innocent to deflect suspicion,” said CBP Presidio Port Director Daniel Mercado. “The thorough and extensive inspections performed by CBP officers stopped this unusual drug load from reaching its intended destination. (<a href="https://www.cbp.gov/newsroom/local-media-release/cbp-officers-intercept-cocaine-filled-cheese-presidio-port-entry" target="_blank">CBP</a>)
According to CNN, U.S Customs (CBP) stopped a car coming into Mexico with seven huge wheels of cheese loaded up. Eventually, an x-ray scan revealed the cheese had an exceptionally illegal ingredient in it called cocaine.
The driver ended up being a 22-year-old U.S. citizen who had declared the very expensive cheese. He was turned over to Homeland Security and will face charges for his cheesy smuggling attempt.
Stuff like this always reminds me of Cheech and Chong's Up In Smoke where they made an entire car out of reefer and went over the border.
What will they think of next? Maybe he's the dude who left the coke in the White House?
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