Ride-Share Scooters Are Back in Abilene and We Should Embrace It
Electric scooters are back in Abilene and ready to roll around the downtown streets and one college campus. But already the little two-wheeled machines are making some folks in town a little irritated. I think we should embrace it.

The City of Abilene made the announcement this morning (May 16, 2022) on their Facebook page.
You may have noticed electric ride share scooters have returned to Abilene, and can be found in the downtown and college campus areas. The company providing this service has complied with municipal code necessary to operate its business. More info including how to contact the company with questions or concerns can be found at www.abilenetx.gov.
This isn't the first time electric scooters appeared in Abilene. In 2018, scooters suddenly appeared on downtown street corners. A few short months after they arrived, they disappeared because of a city ordinance. That ordinance seems to have been addressed as they are back.
While some don't see a problem with having alternate transportation in town, others are already chiming in on social media with their displeasure.
One poster, who I agree with, said "Here we go with the Abilenians complaining. The town is already living in the 70s. Embrace change.
I couldn't agree more. When Abilene tries to grow and improve, others either fear change or want something to gripe about. I don't get it. I think it's an awesome addition to the downtown area, which has seen some amazing improvements over the past few years. Embrace it.
Why not give these a chance?
I think the new scooters will be awesome. Not only does it provide an easy way to make your way around downtown Abilene and ACU campus, but you're not wasting your gas. I think it's a win-win. Sure there will be people abusing it but I think the vast majority of people will legitimately use them.
How is the City of Abilene involved?
According to the City of Abilene's website, Bird is providing the scooter service in our area. In fact, the city basically says they are not working with them and that if you have issues contact Bird.
Bird, the company currently providing this service in our area, has complied with municipal code and paid the permit fee necessary to operate its business. The City of Abilene is not working in collaboration or partnership with Bird for this service. Questions or concerns about the electric scooters or your experience with them can be directed to Bird. (via City of Abilene)
How do you use Bird?
To use a scooter, download the Bird app, create an account with your payment information, scan the QR code to activate, then you're off and rolling.
How long the scooters will be rolling around Abilene this time remains to be seen. But, judging how people are already upset about them on social media, the Bird Scooters might end up migrating elsewhere.
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