In 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue. That's seriously the only way I have any time frame as to when Columbus set sail. But, according to this wonderful thing called the Internet, I can fake more knowledge than I really have. And today is the 524th anniversary of that voyage. So to celebrate, here is a Yes or BS.

  1. Columbus was hired by the Spanish Crown to find a new route to Asia, to improve the spice trade, but instead landed in the US.
    1. BS - He landed in the Bahamas.
  2. The Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria were used in the original voyage. However, Columbus used 17 ships on his second trip.
    1. Yes - Most people know of the original 3, but not that he took such a large amount of ships on the second voyage.
  3. A lookout on the Pinta spotted land first.
    1. Yes - Although Columbus said later on that HE was the one who first saw land, a few hours earlier. That way he was able to claim the lifetime pension promised by Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain, to whoever saw land first.
  4. On the second voyage, Columbus took a beautiful girl home with him and made her his concubine.
    1. Yes - Although first he tried to force himself on her, got scratched up by her nails and then whipped her with a rope.
  5. The first trip was almost entirely violence free, except for an incident where one of the indigenous people got stabbed in the butt.
    1. Yes - It happened on the last stop before his trip home, in the Dominican Republic.

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