Puddle of Mudd lead singer Wes Scantlin is at it again. You might remember him from such hits as Control, She Hates Me, Blurry, Famous, Psycho, and of course don't forget all the legal issues. One of the crazy things I thought was pretty rock star he did was jumping in the pool at Graceland and getting kicked out.

Now, if that was the only really out there thing he did, that would be okay. But he got two DUI's in the span of a month, and has been notorious for missing shows for legal issues, or for no reason what so all. I'm not a psychologist, or anything of the sort, but I hope he gets help at some point because it just seems to get weirder and weirder for the guy.

The most recent incident happened this past Saturday (Jan. 30th) in Marietta, OH. During the middle of the show Scantlin abruptly stopped and started to go off on a fan in the audience:

“This mother f—er right here stole my mother f—ing house and now he’s standing right f—ing in front of me laughing at me. And he f—ing figures I’m a f—ing joke. This mother f—er right here. This mother f—er right here. Get his ass on camera. Right. Get his ass on camera. Get his ass on camera. This is the dog. Right here. This is the mother f—er right here. This guy stole my f—ing house.”

Yup, apparently he believed one of the fans in the audience stole his house. Among the many problems with this, is one really big one. Scantlin lives in Hollywood, CA. Not Ohio. So unless that fan stole his house in Cali, and then went to his show in Ohio, this is just another part of the crazy world of Wes Scantlin. Now if this is somehow true, it's one of the craziest stories out there, ever.

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