Business Insider posted a list of 12 things that will make people immediately dislike you. Most of them seem to have to do with social media, while the others are pretty obvious. You can see their explantations with the link above. Here is there list:

  1. Sharing too many photos on Facebook
  2. Having too many or too few friends on Facebook (WTF?!)
  3. Disclosing something extremely personal early on in a relationship
  4. Asking someone questions without talking about yourself at all
  5. Posting a close-up profile picture
  6. Hiding your emotions
  7. Acting too nice
  8. Humblebragging
  9. Getting too nervous
  10. Not having a sense of humor
  11. Not smiling
  12. Acting like you don't like someone

Now, I have some things to add to the list. Some of these could be more or less seen as pet peeves, but they are still irritating none the less.

  1. People who talk loudly on their phone in public. Seriously, if I know what you conversation is about, it's too loud.
  2. People who check their phone during movies. I'm not sure if people don't realize that the light on the phone is a huge distraction or what, but this is a reason why I love Alamo Draft House. No phones!
  3. There could be a gigantic list with things about drivers but here are just a few.
    1. People who pace you when you turn on your turn signal.
    2. People who anchor it across four lanes because they didn't realize their exit was coming up.
    3. Someone who rides your bumper only to then go the same speed as you after you get over.
    4. People who leave three car lengths between them and the next car at a red light.
    5. And there could be so many more but I'll wrap it up with people who are staring at their phone and cause you to miss the green light.
  4. People who don't realize Beachbody and things like that are pyramid schemes. If you have to pay to get in, and then recruit people to "join your team", it's a pyramid scheme.
  5. People who send back food when you're out to dinner with a group of people. Now, it's okay if they truly screw up your order. But if you're being picky, you're threatening the safety of everyone's food at that table. Suck it up and eat what they gave you.

And of course there are many more than this, but that's enough of me being a cranky old man today.

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