Driving in the huge state of Texas can be a bit annoying at times as construction seems to be prevalent across the Lone Star State. Add in the fact that people do some jacked-up things as they drive and it can become a nightmare on Texas roads.

Not only does a lot of the annoyance of driving in Texas come from all of the construction, but also bad roads that are littered with potholes, and some weird intersections that can leave a driver guessing what to do.

Horrible Driving Habits Of Texans

But, the number one thing that is more annoying than that is the ridiculous behavior of Texas drivers.

Now, before I get hassled for this article, I'll admit I've been guilty of some of these behaviors as well. Yes, I'm talking to myself too.

Hi, I'm Chaz, and sometimes I do stupid things while driving in Texas.

Using Cell Phones


It doesn't matter if it's talking or texting, cell phone usage while driving has gotten out of hand. Whether it's someone going super slow because they are fiddling with their phone, someone taking selfies (yes, I've seen this), or those who like to deep dive the interwebs at a stoplight, people just don't pay attention to the road anymore.

Add to this the fact that there are a ton of social media platforms like TikTok, Snapchat, and others where people are trying to get that oh-so-funny video posted, and you've got yourself in a potentially dangerous situation.

READ MORE: You Could Be Breaking The Law If You Do This On Texas Roads

Can't Merge Correctly


The turn lane is supposed to be used as, you guessed it, a turn lane from one road to another. Yet many will use it as a "merge lane". If you're one of those people, stop it!

Also, people don't understand how to merge onto a highway. You're supposed to yield to the people already on the highway. Do not muscle your way in or get mad because someone didn't move over. That said, if you're already on the highway, moving over for other vehicles is a smart and courteous thing to do.

Practically Coming to a Stop When Turning


Now, I'm not saying you need to be on two wheels as you turn. But it is not necessary to come to a nearly complete stop when turning from one road to another. Some circumstances, like a kid in the street, or another car nearby, might force you to stop. But, on a regular turn, there's no reason to slow to a crawl.

Not Using the Turn Signal


Seriously, how hard is it to use that little lever by the steering wheel when you're making a turn? It's literally inches from your hand. Yet people forget to use it all the time in Abilene. If they do use it, they wait until they are literally turning before they use the blinker. If you know how to use your cell phone, you should be able to use the blinker.

Racing the Train to the Crossing


Why? This is one of the most dangerous things you could ever do. Never race the train to the crossing. As irritating as it is to have to wait on the train, it's not worth gambling with your life.

These driving habits are not only annoying, but they are also flat-out dangerous. Take the time to drive vigilant, and drive safely.

Top 10 Driving Violations for Texas

Here is a look at the most common driving violations in Texas.

Gallery Credit: Billy Jenkins

Top 10 Texas Cities With Most Drunk Driving Deaths

Drunk driving is a BIG problem in Texas; here are the cities that have the worst problems with drunk driving fatalities in the entire United States starting from the least worst to THE worst according to the van Der Veen, Hartshorn, Levin & Lindheim law firm.

Gallery Credit: Daniel Paulus

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