Here Are Some Obvious Signs You Hail From Abilene Texas
One thing about those of us who live in and around Abilene is that we know how to laugh at ourselves. That goes right down to how we view the very city in which we reside.

Now, that doesn't give outsiders permission to make fun of us. That's just downright wrong. Is that hypocritical? Of course it is, but welcome to one of the things that defines Abilene. Lots of hypocrisy. We're not here to discuss the negative side of Abilene, though; we're here to have fun with it.
So I compiled a brief list of ways you know you're from Abilene. I'm considering printing these on some bumper stickers, some t-shirts, and the wrappers of Allsup's burritos. I'm sure I'd make millions.
LOOK: Reasons You Know You're From Abilene
I think most people in Abilene can agree with these. I mean, if you've lived in Abilene for more than 15 years and don't know who Terry Berry was, you must have been living under a rock.
Here are some other thoughts you submitted to us:
- When you are excited to drive out of your way to visit the new gas station in town.
- When you spit on the road and it floods.
- When you drive down South 1st and remember how cool Crystal's Pizza was, and how you wish you could have one more taste of Harold’s BBQ!
- When you wish you could go to Gardski’s Loft just one more time. (side note: Chelsea's makes some jumbo cheese sticks that look and taste like those amazing bygone Gardski's cheese sticks)
- You say 'I’m getting out of this town'… for like the past 15 years.
- If you know where the 4way, down the hill, Impact, and the hood is - and what the difference is.
- If you still get hyped up for the crosstown showdown every year.
What are some other signs I might have missed? Think on that, and in the meantime, check out some amazing views of Abilene through a resident's lens.
LOOK: Stunning Views of Abilene From Hotel Wooten
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