So, you're probably going to call me a complete jackass, but hear me out on this one.

A mom with a special needs daughter had a very hard time running errands with her in public. Imagine pushing a shopping cart AND a child's wheelchair at the same time. It'd probably take you three hours just to get through the produce aisle.

So Drew Ann Long created "Caroline's Cart," a special shopping cart that basically solves all those problems. It's a very simple and elegant way to help special needs families. Supermarkets nationwide are embracing this really cool idea.

And the way I found out about this cart was from this Facebook post.


Could you imagine being a senior citizen, with a sound mind if not a sound body, being pushed around a supermarket like a four-year-old?

"Grandpa, I can't push your wheelchair AND this shopping cart at the same time. You're going to have to ride a Caroline's Cart."

"No, it's okay, son. I'm good. Just kill me. Just murder me. Look, you can push me right into traffic in the parking lot."

Let me be sure to state: Caroline's Cart is an AWESOME idea. You should see the faces on some of these family members who have lived that inconvenience when they use one for the first time. It warms the cockles of my black little heart to see that people have gone out of their way to make life easier for this group of already burdened people. This cart is a BRILLIANT idea!

But not for grandma. They have scooters for grandma. They have shopping carts you can attach to the front of a wheelchair. They even have shopping carts with built-in walkers on them. Hell, man, life is already tough enough when you get old -- surely, you can pick up your Fudge Rounds and Snapple without strapping grandma into a kiddie seat.

Or, HAVE the seat, but find a way to build a cart where the seat faces forward, which is lightyears better. Plus, how awkward must it be to go shopping while staring into the eyes of the person who brought you into this world -- eyes that are probably staring daggers back at you. Even if you're a special needs adult, you should still be afforded the dignity of being turned around. Clearly, I'm not the only one thinking that way:


Anyway, show me a GoFundMe or a Kickstarter for an adult version of Caroline's Cart -- I would gladly donate to that. If only because I will one day be old and infirm and if you try to put me into one of those carts, I will kill you and eat your soul.

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