Broadwind Energy, Inc. is currently in need of skilled employees for all shifts! We are in search of dependable welders, industrial painters, blasters, assemblers, quality assurance techs, and maintenance technicians. We offer competitive pay and benefits with a fantastic team environment and a commitment to the safety of each employee. All of our work is done right here in Abilene in our plant, so no overnight travel and long time away from families.

Event Details:

  • Thursday Jan 25th
  • 7am-6pm
  • Work Force Center at 500 Chestnut street, in the big enterprise building on the 6th floor.
  • Interested applicants should apply at
  • Once you have applied you will need to register with and someone will call you to schedule an interview for 1/25. You must apply and register for interview prior to noon on 1/24.

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