Making love connections. It's what we're all about on the Buzz Adams Morning Show. Here's brief synopsis if you haven't heard the whole story.

A few weeks back we got a neckline call from someone complaining about me. For what specifically, I don't remember. They all sort of blur together at this point. Anyway, the guy sounded exactly like Napoleon Dynamite. So of course he has been dubbed "Napoleon".

Well, Napoleon called a few more times and his voice grabbed the attention of another listener, who we then dubbed "Tina". After a few back and forth neckline calls between the two, we got them on the air live so they could ask each other some questions. Needless to say things went rather well and they agreed to go on a first date.

After the first date occurred, both of them thought that it didn't go that well, for different reasons. But it did go well, because they both wanted a second date. They just didn't think the other did. We kept in contact with both and let them know the other was up for a second date.

Which brings us to this past weekend. I get an email from Tina, saying that they went out again, things are going great and they even sent a pic. So here you go. I present to you Napoleon and Tina!

Napoleon and Tina
Napoleon and Tina

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