Trapt’s Facebook Account Deleted for Hate Speech
Update: Both Trapt's Instagram account and Chris Taylor Brown's personal Instagram account have been deleted. "Great, they took away the Trapt IG too," Brown wrote on Parler.
Trapt’s Facebook account has reportedly been deleted by the social media platform. The removal of Trapt’s official page seems to have occurred after Facebook users reported the rock band for hate speech.
Trapt frontman Chris Taylor Brown’s social media use has proven to be one of 2020’s most bizarre and divisive events, beginning in March when Brown defended President Trump’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Eight straight months of drama followed, including feuds with countless musicians, lawsuits being threatened, a COVID-19 super spreader event, low first-week sales of Trapt’s Shadow Work album and Chris Taylor Brown inviting a neo-fascist group to see Trapt live.
While many right-wing individuals are leaving the social media platform for Parler after Facebook began cracking down on alleged hate speech, Trapt seem to have no choice but to find a new place to promote their band.
This screenshot of Facebook deleting Trapt’s account has been circulating, showing a user reporting Trapt for hate speech after the band posted a photo:
Trapt’s account, which had accumulated nearly 600,000 fans, is now gone from Facebook. Trapt’s Twitter is currently still up.
Chris Taylor Brown took to Twitter to explain that a Proud Boys photo got Trapt's Facebook deleted. "For posting this pic and saying the same thing in the post, Facebook has completely deleted the TRAPT FB account. They said don’t use the phrase “Proud Boys.” I specifically told FB trapt fans that I could not say the name. I will be suing Facebook. Was also a post about Parler."
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