The winning lottery ticket to the largest Mega Millions jackpot ever won in the state of Texas was sold at this convenience store in San Angelo. The same store where I bought mine.
The Texas lottery jackpot is getting big this weekend with the grand prize at $53 million dollars, that would be enough money, so you never have to work again.
Get ready to win some serious money in the Texas Lottery Mega Millions. If you win the $1.35 billion BEWARE, you'll need a good lawyer and not the "Lottery Lawyer."
Start the year 2023 and win the Mega Millions lottery, its sixth-highest jackpot. Many Texans play even though many Texans haven't won the Mega Millions.
Here's what you need to know to win more often with the lottery, and it's advice from a real winner. Before you buy your next lottery ticket, check this out before you buy tickets.
The Mega Millions lottery jackpot is up to $1.02 billion the 3rd largest in the history of the lottery. See how many Texans have won the jackpots in the past.
Get ready to play the Powerball and Texas Lottery three days a week and with bigger jackpots now. The draws are Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday. Good luck!