Experience the Magic of Santa Claus at The Mall of Abilene
It's getting closer to Christmas and that means Santa wants to meet all the little tykes to go over their wish lists. Well, good news. Santa will be back in west Texas to make his annual appearance at the Mall of Abilene.

The anticipation and excitement leading up to meeting Santa Claus is an incredible experience for children. As a kid, there is nothing like walking up to see the jolliest elf of them all. The decorations glistening as the sound of holiday music plays, and Santa himself sitting majestically on a Christmas throne waiting for all to whisper their holiday wishes.
Yes, the enchantment of Santa is very real in the hearts of these kids. The look on their faces when they meet the "chief elf" is priceless. Remember, you can hold that priceless moment in time forever with a photograph of your kiddo meeting Old Saint Nick.
The arrival of Santa at The Mall of Abilene
The Mall of Abilene will be setting up Santa's Wonderland on Wednesday, November 15, in anticipation of the jolly elf's arrival on Saturday, November 17, at 10:30 am. In addition to Santa, there will be live entertainment set up in the Women's Dillard's Courtyard. Check out the Mall of Abilene's website for specialized events including Cookies With Santa, Popcorn With Santa, Pet Photos With Santa, and more.
Go ahead and make a reservation now so you're not stuck waiting in line. For Santa's hours and additional event information, visit the Mall of Abilene's website.
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Gallery Credit: Chaz
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