What hath Kanye wrought? When rapper Kanye West announced over the weekend that he would run for the presidency of the U.S., there were a number of other fellow musicians who weighed in with their own supposed presidential runs, including Ozzy Osbourne, who just launched his presidential merch line.

That's right, the Ozzy Osbourne webstore now has a variety of T-shirts, hoodies, bumper stickers, buttons and lithographs hyping the Osbourne presidential run. Have a look at the variety of options and packages here and see a trailer below.


Kanye West sent social media buzzing on Saturday (July 4), tweeting out, "We must now realize the promise of America by trusting God, unifying our vision and building our future. I am running for president of the United States," with the hashtag #2020VISION

While West tweeted his intent, as of Tuesday (July 7) he had yet to file any paperwork to enter the presidential race. Some have speculated that it's just a marketing stunt for his next album, but that hasn't stopped others from having fun with it announcing their own presidential runs.

Linkin Park's Mike Shinoda offered, "I, too am running for president* *have new music out." Nekrogoblikon's John Goblikon also went on social media to reveal, "We must now realize the promise of America by trusting Goblin, unifying our vision and building our future. I am running for president of the United States," with the hashtag #2020VISIONLIKON. And the band Ghoul followed suit in copying the West statement and adding their #2020VISION hashtag.

This would not be the first time a rocker has teased a political run. Most recently, Kid Rock teased a Senate run back in 2017. He would later reveal that it was all a prank, adding, "It might be one of the dumber things I've ever done, but it was a fuckin' riot. Man, some of the shit that went on was unbelievable. It started to become real, which got a little scary; I mean I just don’t understand who looks at Kid Rock and goes, 'Yeah, I see a senator there...' But it was still a lot of fun in a lot of ways."

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