USA Today is reporting that a budget super committee is looking at replacing the paper dollar with the dollar coin in an effort to save billions. The whole question is whether the public will accept it.

“Change,” pardon the unintentional pun, is inevitable. A dollar just doesn’t buy what it used to. Since a dollar has been devalued and more and more people are using plastic, doesn’t it make sense to make the dollar out of something more convenient and durable? A switch to dollar coins would save 5.6 billion over 30 years.

It’s a drop in the bucket as far as the U.S. budget is concerned, but why not take ALL steps to save money now. It’s a way for the U.S. to decrease spending and it doesn’t involve a tax hike.

I go to a particular ice machine on 50th several times a week and it does business with dollar coins; you get ‘em for change and you can put them in as well. It’s so much better than trying to stick a limp dollar into a machine. The coins are easier to carry and less bulky than ones. You can put a couple in your ashtray and you’re off to eat at the dollar menu.

I can see why some people don’t want the penny abolished, it would allow a lot of goods and services to be rounded up to the nearest nickle; I can’ t see any good reason why the U.S. shouldn’t switch over to the dollar coin.

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