Whenever we have a post around here on a topic like preferential treatment of one religion, or, say, the changing of the Washington Redskins name and mascot, we always get some responses on Facebook that say 'I'm tired of being forced to be politically correct.'

Well, how about we rip that idea to shreds, then take a big, long pee on the pile?

Steve Frost
Steve Frost

So what makes you "tired" of these changes in life? Do you not like learning new words? Is your brain challenged when the world moves forward? Maybe you just want to be a jerk and don't want anybody calling you on it?

I guess for some people thinking is hard.

I don't know who is reading this right now, but if the above paragraph bothered you, let me ask you: What is wrong with learning, growing and trying to be a better person? Seriously, is that not your goal? If not, I don't even know where your mental space is at. If you're not doing those things, you're just stagnating.

It can be taxing to try to change your thinking and your vocabulary. I struggle with parts of it (yeah, 'cause some of the politically incorrect words and phrases are funny), but I still work at it. None of us are ever going to get this life thing completely right, be can all hope to do better each day. Just start with small changes and be awesome to everyone.

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