Hilarious Alternatives for Abilene Convention & Visitors Bureau’s New Logo
The Abilene Convention & Visitors Bureau revealed their new log recently. And while I think it's a really good logo, I felt compelled to offer up some alternative logos that could have also worked.

Keep in mind, this is all in fun. I'm not trying to get the City of Abilene or the Convention & Visitors Bureau mad at me. Just having a little fun here guys and gals. Also, I have horrible photoshop skills.
That said, check out these alternatives to the new logo
I mean, we do have a lot of potholes, right? Seems legit.
We do have a lot of churches. Not saying that's bad. Just saying there are a lot of churches in Abilene.
We all know that there are some dumb things that Abilene drivers do.
You show me someone that doesn't like any kind of burrito in Abilene, and I'll show you someone that knows how to drive in the Key City.
Cheers Abilene!
It gets stupid windy in Abilene. Heck, Abilene and three other cities made the top 10 Windiest Cities.
One of the many things we love in Abilene, and in all of Texas for that matter, is football. Football rules!
Ok, so this one is not funny, but I think it fits. I mean we have Dyess Air Force Base here so why not have a logo that incorporates that? Seems like we actually had a logo of a B-1 many years ago. Correct me if I'm wrong.
By the way, did you know you could take a virtual tour of Dyess AFB Linear Air Park? You can do that right here.
So, what other logo alternatives do you think should have been used?
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