I’m Getting Drunk to Raise Awareness for ‘Responsible Drinking’
Do you know how much, or little, it takes to become legally intoxicated? Well, in Texas, the legal limit is .08% BAC (blood alcohol content) and while you feel like your 'tolerance' may allow you to drink a ton without being drunk - you're probably still legally drunk.
So, on my show this Friday, I'll embark on a mission to find out how many drinks it takes to hit the 'legal limit'. I won't stop there, though. I plan on drinking the entire 4 hours of my radio show, The Afternoon Binge.
Well, on an average night, a drinker will be at the bar/party/etc for 3-4 hours - drinking. Well, that happens to be the length of my show.
So, not only will I show how much it takes to hit the legal limit, I'll also show how far over the legal limit an average drinker typically is after a 'night of drinking'.
So how will I prove what my BAC is during this Friday's show? Well, I've obtained an AlcoHAWK Breathalyzer unit for use during the show. This specific device has DOT and FDA 510(k) clearance.
Is this to persuade you to stop drinking? On the contrary. I merely want to point out how little it takes to become intoxicated (in the eyes of the law) while encouraging you to drink responsibly and always have a designated driver.
When it's time to go out for drinks, make sure you prepare ahead of time with a designated driver. That driver could be your sober friend, an Uber/Lyft, or a taxi.
Oh yeah, I'll be doing all of this, on my show, from the conference room here at the Rock 108 studios. The public is welcome to swing by and check it all out. We'll also be live streaming it on Facebook.
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