There’s not much I miss about being kid. Anybody who tells you things were better is full of sh@t. There is one thing that comes to mind that I miss. Read more after the break.

I miss PINBALL. There I said it. I love video games, I had every major system, but nothing compares to a full-size pinball machine. I could feed quarters into a machine all day. I love the “plinks” and the sound of the number flipping (I hated when they flipped to digital numbers, and evidently a lot of people did too-they later added the “flipping” sound to the digital count”. Was there anything more epic than that hard smack against the side of the machine that meant you won a “free game”? I also remember getting violently pissed when the games started switching from five balls to three (THIS IS TOTAL BULLSH@T MAN!). I would play ANY game but my favorite of all time was a “more recent” one, the Addams Family game that came out when the movies first did was a modern classic (among other features was a “Thing” hand that would come out and snag our ball). Prior to that I liked to rock “Fireball”.


If you want to relive some cool pinball machines click here.

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