Last night's Drowning Pool concert continues to linger in my head for several reasons.  One, because it was an awesome show, and two, the lasting affects of party juice is kicking my butt right now.    Read on for my review of Drowning Pool in concert at The Lucky Mule Saloon.

drowning pool with chaz

I had one hell of a time last night when Drowning Pool came into town! It was a great show, great crowd and a great venue.

I kicked off the night with a meet n greet with Drowning Pool.  First off, these are some of the nicest and humble guys you will ever meet.  They do not act like big rock stars.  They just chilled backstage with some of us and acted like they had known each of us for years and years.  Great bunch of dudes! After that, I just kind of hung out around the stage and listened to Static Cycle's soundcheck - the first band that would rock the stage.

Sound check was about to wrap up as the line started to build outside.

the line

Excitement was definitely in the air and people were eager to get inside, get their drink on, and see a rock show.

The first band was a band that I didn't know much about, Static Cycle.  They had a cool groovy sort of a sound that kind of reminded me of Linkin Park - they just had that kind of vibe.  They definitely had a lot of energy and sounded good.  The crowd was amped up and had already formed a nice sized pit and was doing some crowd surfing. Overall, the set was good and it was a pretty kick ass way to start the show!

crowd surfing

Here is a taste of Static Cycle.

The Second band was Trust Company who I had never seen in concert before.  They blew me away!  I have always been a fan of theirs since "The Lonley Position Of Neutral" came out in 2002, so this was a long time coming for me.  They were loud and controlled and knew how to work the crowd.  Definitely a flawless set which ended with the song that put them on the map, "Downfall".  Shots were starting to really flow at this point.

As bad ass as Trust Company was, the show just kept getting better. Next up was Anew Revolution.

Joey Duenas

Anew Revolution brought it, man.  They were incredible!  The energy was through the roof and the crowd was going nuts! When they played "Head Against The Wall" everybody went insane.  "Crucify" was bad ass too.  I blame them for the many shots I took because their music just made me want to party hard. They definitely tore it up.

Things were starting to get blurry for me at this point, and we had one more band to go.

Drowning Pool!

I have seen Drowning Pool several times before and they never disappoint.  Last night was no exception as they practically tore what was left of the roof off.  I felt like I was crowd surfing just standing there.  Heck, who knows, I might have actually been crowd surfing, but then there might have been a few people hurt.  I am no small guy. Things were really blurry now but I remember they rocked their asses off.  What was really cool is that they played songs that I have not heard live in a long time.  In fact, C.J told me before the show that their set list would include some songs that they had not played live since Dave (their original singer) passed away.  Of course they rocked their staple song, "Bodies" as well as some new tunes.  As many times as I have seen Drowning Pool, this was probably my most favorite time.  They just killed it!

Overall, the show was just bad ass.  The Lucky Mule did a great job with their staff and security and I had a great time.


Afterward,  it was time to throw a munch - and what do you know, the short bus was there to serve up some dogs.

Can't wait for the next show on the Rock 108 Concert Series!

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