There is a little screenshot/meme that continues to circulate showing more whites than blacks killed by police. The problem is, the math, like the meme isn't right.  I've spelled this out once before, but let's do this one more time.


African Americans make up a much smaller portion of the population than whites, so you can't compare the two straight up, you have to adjust those figures to get an accurate picture of what's going on.

So let's look at this simply.  Let's say African Americans make up 1 out of ten people. Caucasians make up 6 out of ten people. To compare the two, you would have to either times the African Americans by 6, or divide the Caucasians by 6.   That's a semi-accurate way to look at it, with African Americans making up some where around 12-15% of the population and Caucasians around 63%+.

This is why there is a "thing" going on right now.  Now some of you, with no hate in your heart, want to say "All Lives Matter" because it seems like it makes everything equal. The problem is, we aren't all equal, one part of our American family is suffering tragedies at a much higher rate.

I don't know anything about the Black Lives Matter movement, as a group. I don't know their background, their agenda, or anything else. Even a broken clock is right twice a day, and the fact is, according to the absolute purity of math, they have a legitimate complaint.

The opinions expressed in this article belong solely to the author and are not representative of the opinions of Townsquare Media Lubbock, its advertisers or affiliates.

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