Any drummer will tell you that Neil Peart is one of the best drummers on the planet. Well, maybe it's time to pass on the torch to this puppet who completely rocks out Rush's 'Tom Sawyer like a boss.

Ricky Syers is a puppeteer, musician and street performer from New Jersey who made this video and uploaded it on his YouTube channel. With the help of Ricky, the puppet, named Chops, plays on a little drum kit made of small cans.

Now, it would be just as cool to see 'Chops' play any old song. But, no. He completely goes all epic on us by drumming to Rush's 'Tom Sawyer', and completely nailing it. As you can see in the video (above), the little rocker puppet doesn't even miss a beat.

I wanna see the dude tackle Van Halen's 'Hot For Teacher' or maybe a Slayer tune. But then, his little wooden arms would probably fall off.

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