Vote Now to Break the Tie for Best Breakfast Burritos in Abilene
UPDATED: 11/16/2021
Well, it appears we have a tie between La Popular and Mi Ranchito, so we need your help in breaking this tie. Please take a moment to vote for your favorite. The winner will be revealed on Monday, November 22nd.
Breakfast burritos are just as big as church and high school football here in the Abilene area, so we'd like to know who you think has the best.

Heck, we eat local breakfast burritos multiple times a week here on The Morning After. So, let's kill two birds with one stone. The place that you vote that serves the best breakfast burritos in the Abilene area will also be known as "The Official Breakfast Burrito of <a href="https://www.facebook.com/themorningaftertx" target="_blank">The Morning After</a>".
We generated our list of options, to vote for, on our show as well as our Facebook page. So if your favorite isn't listed, then make sure you add it to the poll in the box for "Other".
Voting will run through Sunday, November 14th with a winner announced on The Morning After.
I don't want to influence any of your votes, so I won't mention my favorite place here. However, I will tell you that I can survive on carne guisada with cheese burritos for the rest of my life. I'm also thankful a few of my coworkers are aware of that and frequently hook me up with breakfast burritos.
By the way, make sure you tell all of your friends about this so they can vote for their favorite too.
Once we determine the "Official Breakfast Burrito of The Morning After" we'll have a tailgate party in our parking lot and serve up the winner's burritos. So, keep listening to The Morning After for those details.
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