‘The Walking Dead’ Drinking Game
'The Walking Dead' is back for another killer season. So, to add some more excitement, and a Monday morning hangover, here are some drinking game rules to follow along with the show.
The Walking Dead Drinking Game Rules
Take 1 Drink
- First walker you see in the show
- When a walker attack starts
- When a walker is killed (drink twice if it's hand to hand combat)
- After a human is killed (down it if it's a main character)
- Anytime you find Carl really irritating
- If someone "goes missing"
- For each new character added to story
- Anytime a southern rock song comes on (plus you have to throw the devil horns up)
- For every limb lost (extra drink if you think of 'Monty Python and the Holy Grail')
- Anytime Daryl aims his crossbow
- Everytime Negan says 'Lucille'
Take 2 Drinks
- Anytime Rick says or does something "heroic"
- When Carl does something he is not supposed to do
- Any kissing scene
- Anyone trapped by more than 2 walkers
- Any word other than "walkers" used
- After walker attack finished
- If anyone other than Daryl kills a walker with a bow and arrow
- Any sexy shot of Lauren Cohan (Maggie)
Take 3 Drinks
- Anytime Daryl kills multiple walkers
- For any flashback scene
- If you see a main character as a walker
- When someone runs out of ammo at a critical moment
- For 3 kills in quick succession
- If kill is shown in slow motion
- For any special cameo as a walker
- If the group come up on a vehicle that still works
- A non-walker threat to the group
- Someone learns a new secret and doesn't share
Down It
- Preacher kills a walker
- Anyone injured by anything other than a walker
- Rick is in hand to hand combat with non-walker
- Happy reunion
- Walker is run over by a vehicle
- Any animal shown
- If Carl loses his hat
- If the episode makes you mad
Feel free to drop off a drinking rule for this game below in the comment section, and we'll add it to the list.
Townsquare Media, in no way, endorses irresponsible drinking. Always make sure you have a designated driver when you plan on drinking.
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