Find That Perfect Valentine’s Day Gift At The Texas Gun & Knife Show
With Texas making the top 5 of Most Guns Purchased in America in 2021, and women buying the majority of guns last year, this Gun show looks very inviting for both women and men. So, if you're looking for that one-of-a-kind firearm, that special purse, belt, or ammo, this show is for you.
Keep in mind that Valentine's Day is just around the corner. Get your sweetheart that hunting rifle or shotgun they've dropped hints about. My advice is to "wear comfortable shoes" because there s a lot to see at theTexas Gun & Knife Show."
The show is Saturday and Sunday, January 29th and 30th at the Abilene Convention Center. The cost to get in is only $7 for persons 13 and up while children 12 and under get in free.
LOOK: This Is What You'll See At This Gun Show
Word of advice here if and when you bring your firearm into the gun show remember to have it unloaded and check them in at the front desk of the gun show. After speaking with several vendors there's been a huge increase in gun trades in the past 18 months.
The Show promoter says "we are reminding everyone that while the CDC and Abilene Health Department's guidelines are fluctuating, all attendees and vendors are asked to just be safe, respectful, and responsible."
The show's organizer says "the best news of all is that more new ammo vendors are will be selling ammo in all calibers like .22LR .223, 5.56, 7.69x39mm, .308, 270 cal, 30-06 cal., .9mm, .40, and .45 cal. For more information contact Janice Hill at 830-285-0575.

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