I took swimming lessons constantly as a kid.  I was at the community pool for YEARS in a row, from beginning swimmer all the way to diving and lifeguard classes.  Swimming burns MAJOR calories and after each session, whenever I could, more often than not, I’d get a bag of Taco flavored Doritos.  The flavor has returned and is EMBROILED IN CONTROVERSY.  More after the jump.


Taco favored Doritos were the first “flavored” Doritos.  They were right between original and Nacho cheese.  First off, they don’t taste like any “Taco” that I’ve ever tasted, they just tasted good to me.  I didn’t and don’t like “Nacho Cheese” because, I swear I’m not trying to gross you out, they have a “barf” aftertaste to me.

Taco Doritos were off the shelf for many a moon and have recently come back.  When I bit into my first one, I instantly was taken back to the sights and sounds of my swimming lessons. But wait: there are those who claim this is not the original Doritos “Taco” flavor, but a modified version that supposedly appeared with the introduction of a sour-cream taste in the 80′s.  Now at this point you’re probably wondering “what kind of fat-ass argues over the flavor of some 30 year old snack chip”, well that would be be.  A friend of mine took issue with the claim that this was the “original” flavor so I went online to prove her wrong.  Online you will find that this is ACTUALLY A THING.  There are people fighting over whether this is the original or a revamped recipe.  I could personally SWEAR that the flavor is dead on from when I was just a little kid but it’s not like I want to start a letter writing campaign or do much more research than I’ve already done.  I’m happy with them so I guess I’ll leave it at that, I was just surprised that there are tons of people out there having this same stupid debate.

Anyways, do you have any opinion at all on the “TACO” flavor?  And no, this isn’t some stupid advertising ploy, I just find it very interesting to compare a taste today from a taste 30 years ago.

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