Texas Donkey Rescue Names Baby Donkey After TV Legend Betty White
The nonprofit Peaceful Valley Donkey Rescue in San Angelo, Texas named its most recent addition after beloved TV personality and comedienne Betty White, who died on December 31, 2021, just weeks shy of her 100th birthday.

The foal's full name is Betty White-Ludden, but will be shortened to "Betty." According to Peaceful Valley Donkey Rescue, the jennet (young female donkey) was born on Christmas Day, December 25, 2021, but was not named until the news of Betty White's passing on December 31.
The rescue considers this a fitting tribute to White, whose passion for animal welfare advocacy included the Los Angeles Zoo Commission, The Morris Animal Foundation, the African Wildlife Foundation, and the Greater Los Angeles Zoo Association.
White was also a supporter of Peaceful Valley Donkey Rescue in San Angelo for nearly 15 years, beginning in 2006.
Additionally, the rescue has announced that it will be naming the new nursery at the San Angelo facility after White.
Formed in 2000, Peaceful Valley Donkey Rescue is the world's leading donkey rescue organization and conducts operations in the lower 48 states of the U.S., Hawaii, and the Caribbean.
With a total of 61 locations (sanctuaries and adoption centers) nationwide, PVDR focuses on providing rescue services to abandoned and abused domestic donkeys and rehabilitation programs for wild burros. In 2021 alone, PVDR rescued 662 donkeys, and currently has over 3,000 animals under its care.
The organization's main facility is located on a 172-acre former dairy farm near San Angelo, Texas. You can find out more about Peaceful Valley Donkey Rescue and how to donate here.
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