
Thanksgiving Craft Ideas For The Whole Family
Thanksgiving Craft Ideas For The Whole Family
Thanksgiving Craft Ideas For The Whole Family
Thanksgiving is just around the corner but there is still plenty of time to do some simple crafts.There are some great ideas out there, from table settings, mantle pieces, center pieces and just fun stuff for the kids to do. I found a couple of great ideas that I thought were really cute to share.
Thankgiving In Pictures…Funny Pictures
Thankgiving In Pictures…Funny Pictures
Thankgiving In Pictures…Funny Pictures
Here we are, the day before turkey day. It's a time to rest, reflect on all of the good things in our lives and spend time with friends and family. Oh yeah, it's also another reason to look at funny  pictures. Enjoy!
Turkey and Dressing isn’t Just for Thanksgiving According to Rudy’s Father
Turkey and Dressing isn’t Just for Thanksgiving According to Rudy’s Father
Turkey and Dressing isn’t Just for Thanksgiving According to Rudy’s Father
Since mom passed a couple years ago I've been looking after my aging father and it can get pretty interesting at times, especially when you've got a dad like mine (half drill sergeant, half comedian). When mom was alive she told dad what he was hungry for. Now, dad found his hunger independence and he tells me what he's been craving. Last week he says "you know son, turkey and dressing isn't
The 10 Funniest Thanksgiving ‘SNL’ Skits
The 10 Funniest Thanksgiving ‘SNL’ Skits
The 10 Funniest Thanksgiving ‘SNL’ Skits
Thanksgiving is almost here and while Thanksgiving doesn't have the carols or claymation specials of Christmas but that doesn't mean that Turkey Day is without its traditions. There's turkey and wine and football and bickering with your family and the classic 'SNL' sketches. We've compiled the best Thanksgiving skits 'SNL' has aired over the years for your viewing pleasure.