Bahama Bucks is back, but not so fast. It appears as though Mother Nature wanted to welcome Bahama Buck's back to Abilene with an ice-cold day. Now open in the Allen Ridge shopping center.
Harold's Pit Bar-B-Q in Abilene is long gone. However, the memories of his Bar-B-Q, his love for people, and the fact that Harold loved to sing, live on in these videos.
Abilene Christian University is now recognized as a top doctoral research institution in the U.S. by the Carnegie Classifications of Institutions of Higher Learning.
ACU's Summer Shakespeare Festival is back with two plays. The first is the Shakespeare classic 'The Tempest'. The other is the witty 'Much Ado About Nothing'.
It's back! The ACU Frater Sodalis social club invite you, to their Haunted Island. I believe this island is pretty scary even without all the 'haunted house shenanigans' going on. The 'Frats Haunted Island' is only open for a very short period. Check it out.
The Harlem Globetrotters are coming to Abilene, and they're bringing their fun filled 2014 “Fans Rule” World Tour to the ACU Moody Coliseum on Wednesday, Feb. 19th. Their hilarious style of basketball will keep you on the edge of your seat laughing. They are known as the "Ambassadors of Goodwill" because of their philanthropic endeavors and their ability to entertain all the while helpin