If you’ve ever seen Sevendust live, then you know vocalist Lajon Witherspoon is an energetic frontman onstage. Loudwire recently had the opportunity to talk to Witherspoon about his softer side as a husband and father.

Just in time for Valentine's Day, Witherspoon shared his view on just what makes him so romantic and spoke about why date nights with his wife are happily interrupted by their 4-year-old daughter.

Who would you say is the most romantic member in Sevendust?

Of course I would say me. [Laughs] You know what I’m going to give it to us all - we’re all romantics in our older age. I think we’re all romantic, we all know how to get down. I think I’m a romantic guy -- I like to wine and dine the lady with the candles, a little bit of three-minute fun and then fall asleep, maybe get a sandwich – I’m just kidding. [Laughs]

We like to go to the beach, especially when we come out on the road – my wife is going to meet me in St. Louis for a day off and we’ll hang out and I think we’ll go to Sweetie Pies, the soul food restaurant. To me it’s romantic just to walk together and hold hands – it’s going to be cool I’m looking forward to it.

With being a husband and a father, does Valentine’s Day stay between you and your lady, or does it become more about the kids?

It depends, we actually moved to Kansas so we have her mother, grandmother and great grandparents and aunts and stuff around but before when we were in Atlanta we didn’t have much help except her mother. So now we get to have date nights but the weird thing about it is – the baby, Jada, she’s 4 years old, so when we leave sometimes it’s like, “Let’s go back and hang out with Jada!”

You can catch Lajon Witherspoon, the singer, father and husband on tour with the rest of Sevendust in support of their forthcoming album ‘Black Out the Sun.’ They are currently on a trek with Lacuna Coil and Coal Chamber. For a full list of dates and cities, go here. Stay tuned for our full interview with Lajon Witherspoon.

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