Alt-country star Ryan Adams has made no secret about his admiration for former Misfits singer Glenn Danzig. Adams has been doing several acoustic metal covers recently, including songs from Iron Maiden, Ratt and Dio. It’s only natural that he would select Danzig’s classic ‘Mother’ as his next song to honor. Listen to the hauntingly stripped down version of the track below.

Adams wrote a piece once about how the world should bow down to Danzig in The Awl. “For some reason when I play really classic games I also think about Danzig,” he wrote. “Everything is always about Danzig eventually. Danzig, good lovin’ and pizza. Oh God.”

The former Cardinals frontman has been playing a string of shows in Europe and using ‘Mother’ as part of his encore. The recording below is from his concert in Paris, France a few weeks ago.

Ryan Adams released his 13th studio album, ‘Ashes and Fire,’ last October. The record is his first since leaving the Cardinals in 2009.

“The record is obsessed with time,” Adams told LA Weekly. “I believe that there is a kinder view of the self. I’m passing through my own life as a ghost, and looking at these pieces and places in my life. I’m looking at California, and the idea of being lost and found at the same time.”

Hear Ryan Adams Perform Danzing’s ‘Mother’

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