Franklin Graham, the President of an association named after his dad, is joining some other religious right fringe groups in calling for a band on Girl Scout Cookies.

So what are those little green demons doing? Well I guess existing or something. All this falderal was started by the archbishop of St. Louis (which I think is one of those guys who wears a funny hat).  Graham put this statement on his Facebook:

The Girl Scouts organization sure isn’t what it used to be! St. Louis Archbishop Robert Carlson isn’t worried about being politically correct in letting people know about it either. He told church members and scout leaders that the Girl Scouts is wrong in their support of transgender rights and homosexuality and is not aligned with the teachings of his church. The archdiocese also revealed that a Girl Scout troop in Utah was formed specifically to reach out to transgendered youth and that the Girl Scouts celebrated the Supreme Court ruling on same-sex marriage on its Instagram and Twitter accounts. Archbishop Carlson is exactly right—the “ways of the world” are incompatible with biblical values. More church leaders need his boldness in speaking the truths that set those who follow God’s Word apart from the rest of the world. I don’t know about you, but I won’t be buying any Girl Scout cookies this year.

I firmly believe in voting with my dollars. There's a couple of chicken places I haven't been to in years. Still, much of this nonsense is actually based on misinformation. The only grain of truth is that the Girl Scouts supports transgendered youth.  They don't have a relationship with Planned Parenthood and don't take any position on any other matters of sexuality. The group actually has a slight faith based component and is about teaching the girls confidence and decision making skills. Even then, you're taking your anger out on little girls.

It's a good thing Chris Rock sold 65 thousand dollars of cookies to those damn Hollywood liberals (video below)..

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