Red Sun Rising walk a fine line between creepy and touching with their new video for "Uninvited," their cover of the Alanis Morissette late '90s favorite.

Like the original, Red Sun Rising do a masterful job of keeping the haunting vibe of the song while capturing the power of the lyric against the somewhat sparse arrangement. Making the track their own, the band rock it up a bit more with guitars and Mike Protich's grittier vocal.

As for the video, it's an intriguing set up that keeps the viewer engaged. Director Brad Golowin first introduces us to an older man, who seems transfixed as he looks off into the distance. Eventually the view changes to where we see him looking through his window into a neighboring window where the NSFW sight in front of him has a lasting effect on him. Clearly moved, the man offers up his tribute to the object that captured his attention. Watch it all play out with a bit of privacy in the video above.

If you like the band's cover of the song, you can pick it up via AmazoniTunes or GooglePlay. The song has been released separately from their breakout album Polyester Zeal, which generated the rock radio hits "The Otherside" and "Emotionless." Red Sun Rising are still touring in support of their debut disc. Check here to see where they're playing.


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