The story goes like something like this: "Haunted house patrons were shocked when they discovered a man eating a boy inside an Austin haunted house." That's not the headline verbatim, but the story is complete BS.


I guess some of you are too young to remember "The Weekly World News." It featured completely wild, made-up new stories, including that highly popular "Bat Boy" story.

Well, there's a website called "Now8News" that specializes in wacky, made-up stories. Here's my favorite headline/story from the site: "Woman Shoots Veterinarian After He Refuses To Do Sex Re-Assignment Surgery On Her Dog."

I know some of you still subscribe to the idea that 'the lamestream media never gets the story right,' but you can't get much wronger than sites like this that pass along fake stories.

So NO, there is no truth to the story about a man eating a teenage boy in a haunted house. Now, I could tell you plenty of stories about the creepy stuff people do engage in in haunted houses, but it's nothing on par with cannibalism.

Here's the Snopes report on the fake article.

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