By Ministry mastermind Al Jourgensen's own account, his legendary industrial project is no more. So where does Uncle Al go from here? Obviously, the next logical career step is to become a super hero; a tremendous responsibility which Jourgensen has taken in stride.

Jourgensen is well known for his past abilities to consume, snort and inject an insane amount of drugs, proving himself to be invincible compared to normal human beings. As Jourgensen recently told us, he's been legally declared dead three times, only to spring back to life after each adventure to the other side. Uncle Al's physical health has taken a catastrophic beating, leaving the musician unable to fight crime in the flesh, however, Jourgensen will do the next best thing by honing his powers in the new comic book series, 'Ministry: The Devil's Chord - The Chronicles of Alien F. Jourgensen.'

The 13-issue series of graphic novels follows the story of Alien F. Jourgensen, a young musician who is taken aboard by a record label that attempts to mold and control him, perhaps mirroring the very start of Jourgensen's Ministry career. The comic book character, choosing to focus on his own passions, discovers that his talent births a collection of powers. As his powers grow, the comic-booked Jourgensen begins to see truths that others can not.

"I've been wanting to step away from music for a bit," begins Jourgensen, "switch gears...then I met Sam and then POOF! Sam turns me into a superhero. Ya, I'll sign up for that!" Alien F. Jourgensen even meets up with iconic figures such as William Burroughs and Timothy Leary in the graphic novels. "I'd love to have people like Trent Reznor, Billy Gibbons and Billy Haynes be characters in the series," Al Jourgensen adds. "I mean, who doesn't want to be a superhero?"

British dark-artist Sam Shearon will act as the force behind creating the series. "I used to listen to Ministry at art college as a teenager," says Shearon. "To be immortalizing Al Jourgensen in a comic book series is an honor and a thrill ride into his life, that not many people get to see. Sitting down with Al and Angelina for two weeks at their home to take notes in order to write this, has been one of the most exciting projects I've ever worked on. There were many days and nights where Al and I would be still awake at around 5am watching the sunrise, surrounded by empty beer bottles. Fond memories were stirred up, some wounds were opened but all in all both Al and Angelina shared enough of their real life tales to chronicle a story that you just couldn't make up!  This is one hell of an adventure that I personally would love to see on the big screen one day...I will never look at raccoons in the same way again!"

The 13-issue comic series is currently targeted to premiere at Comic Con's July 2014 San Diego convention.

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