The Kentucky clerk who was jailed for refusing to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples in Rowan County, was welcomed home by a billboard supporting gay marriage in her town.

The billboard, erected by Planting Peace, a nonprofit humanitarian organization, is behind a billboard in Rowan County that says "Dear Kim Davis, the fact that you can't sell your daughter for three goats and a cow means we've already redefined marriage," taking aim at Davis' opposition to same-sex marriage due to it violating the teachings of The Bible.

According to NBC News, Planting Peace said the "intent of the billboard is to expose this narrow interpretation by Davis and others that they use to defend their discrimination against the LGBTQ community."

The billboard references Exodus 21:7, which says women can be sold into marriage as slaves.

The organizations president, Aaron Jackson told NBC News, "The anti-LGBT movement is selective in what rules to follow and how they choose to define 'traditional' institutions or values," and said the billboard will remain up for about a month.

Davis returned to work nearly a week after being released from prison after a judge ordered her detained for refusing to issue marriage licenses over her religious objection to same-sex marriage. Marriage licenses are now being issued in the county to gay couples, but Davis is not the one issuing them.

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