As my friend Laura pointed out, Queen never sang songs about women with skinny butts. Sir Mix-a-Lot based his entire career on women with a 'motor in the back of their Hondas.'

My morning didn't start out so hot... I still can't fit into my tall boots my in-laws got me for Christmas... even after several faithful months at the gym. Then, in my cute skinny jeans, peasant blouse and heels, I hit the studios and promptly split my jeans. Thank GOD I had my gym bag with me. So, now I'm in yoga pants... with cute hair and make up. GREAT!

I threw my jeans away in the station women's room... not expecting that our web guy would want me to write about my humiliation and post a picture. So, very carefully I might add, I got to dig through the women's room trash... praying I wouldn't catch anything communicable. The upside? I placed orders at Kohls and Old Navy to replace my ill fitting britches and give myself a little retail therapy. I am so thankful I started the Body by Vi program yesterday. Apparently I should have started sooner!

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