It's Day 3 of Bond Girl Week (here's Halle and Monica), in celebration of the opening of Spectre this Friday. Today we examine the lovely Denise Richards, who was cast as nuclear scientist Dr. Christmas Jones in 1999's The World Is Not Enough. Now, lots of folks snickered at the idea of Denise playing a super-smart genius-type and, to be fair, her performance wasn't all that convincing (the movie was one of the worst Bond flicks, too, so it's not like it's all her fault). But really, who cares? Who cares one bit about all that? Nothing will ever take away what Denise (and Neve) gave us in Wild Things -- see below -- and for that, we are forever grateful.

Denise Richards getting out of the pool gif
Denise Richards bikini gif
Denise Richards Neve Campbell kissing gif
Denise Richards wet t-shirt gif
Denise Richards licking lollipop gif
Denise Richards T-rex gif
Denise Richards blowing kiss gif

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