I think it's safe to say most everyone knows I LOVE DUCK DYNASTY! If you didn't, well you do now. I can't wait for the new season to start...in just 5 days. That's right the new season debuts on Wednesday, February 27 on A&E.I discovered the show one night early last year and have been hooked ever since. I was flipping through channels trying to find something to watch when I caught the end of an episode. I though, this is going to be some stupid show, another waste of time, but I was pleasantly surprised. I ended up watching the next episode (it was a marathon), then another until 2 hours had passed. I was laughing so hard I was in tears.

It's all about family and friends. The good times and the little arguments that make everyday worth while. If you have siblings you know it's not always smooth sailing. You get on each others nerves, you know how to push each other buttons but in the end what would you do without them. Your life just wouldn't be the same.

I know, I have a brother, and he knows just what to say or not say to tick me off or just get a rise out of me...then the little twit, just sits there and laughs at me, knowing he got me. He'll say something to make me go off and then just reel me in; and then I have to laugh too knowing I fell for it, and I do it everytime. No I haven't learned yet! That's the kind of relationship Jase and Willie have on the show. They do things knowing it's all in good fun and in the end they love each other.

Now Uncle Si is the character of the family JACK!, the one that's just slightly out there, the storyteller, the loveable one, the jokester. We all have one of these and you can't help but call them your 'favorite'. I even dressed up as "Uncle Si" for Halloween this past year.

There's Phil the matriarch of the family, the one that always has it together. The one you turn to for advice, the one that keeps the balance and keeps everyone in line.

Of course, he has to have a counterpart and that is Miss Kay. She loves her boys, all of them, but she's tough as nails when need be. She doesn't take anything off of anybody. They all know who the real boss is!

The show got me not just with it's humor but because it's all about family, at the end of the day, that's all we have. They end each episode with a 'lesson' and a family sit-down dinner. It's about family values, love, acceptance and doing the right thing. This is the type of show we need more of on Television. No cussing, no putting each other down, no sex, no infidelity, no nudity. Just good down home Southern values.

They may come off as Rednecks but the truth is these guys are all educated and run a multimillion dollar Duck Commander empire. They make duck calls and hunting videos. Here's just a tid-bit of trivia for you. Did you know that while in college Phil was a star football player? In fact, Terry Bradshaw was HIS backup. Phil could have gone pro but all he really wanted to do was be outdoors hunting. And so he did!

If you've never seen the show I encourage you to check it out A&E run marathons of past seasons all the time. Look for the new season coming up February 27th....that's next week. Can't wait JACK! I'm Happy, Happy, Happy!

Smash Up of Uncle Si Sayings

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