Parody Video Imagines Donald Trump Reworking Radiohead’s ‘Creep’ as ‘Tweet’
A collective going by the name of Hateiohead has produced an animated parody video of President Donald Trump performing the Radiohead hit "Creep," reimagined as "Tweet" with the lyrics changed to reflect some of the businessman turned leader of the free world's most infamous missteps and controversies.
The video itself has Trump playing guitar with suspiciously tiny hands, hair looking like it's stuck in a perpetual wind tunnel and instead of pin of the American flag on his lapel, a Russian one.
The chorus of the song touches on Trump's battles with comedian Rosie O'Donnell and former president Barack Obama's birth certificate conspiracy theory. "I will tweet /
I'll distract you / Rosie O'Donnell has AIDS / Don't you see what I'm doing here? / It's the art of the deal / Obama's not born here - he's from Kenya - look it up!"
At another point, he interjects into the melody, "We'll build a beautiful wall - it'll be wonderful and huge," a reference to Trump's campaign promise to build a wall to divide Mexico from the United States. Then there's less humorous and more disturbing lines like, "We don't care who we hurt / White men are in control / Nuclear winter will cool us down / Russia won me the election...(whispers) just don't tell the FBI."
As for who is behind Hateiohead, in their bio they state they are, "A collective of creative citizens who are SADDENED and embarrassed by the idiocy of our current government and its moronic leader."
Describing the video itself, Hateiohead says, "'Tweet' is a parody video mocking the Don. It is a statement about the joke that is Donald Trump's presidency and his use of Twitter as a distraction to pull your attention away from his lies, incompetence and wrongdoings."
We'll wait and see if Trump takes to Twitter to address the video. In the meantime, "Tweet" can be downloaded at the Hateiohead site, where T-shirts can also be purchased.
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