Even before we knew Knol Tate, we knew Knol Tate's work. When I was 16, I used to listen to Killsadie in my bedroom in Aberdeen, S.D. I mail-ordered the retrospective CD from Lumberjack Distribution (RIP). Later, when I was 19, I made out with a girl named Anna who was obsessed with ASkeleton. And just a couple of years ago, Knol came a couple of degrees closer when, as a producer, he tapped my circle of friends, helping mold records by Party House, Dan Mariska & the Boys Choir and most recently the Crash Bandits.

He's now teamed up with Josh McKay (Farewell Continental, Mourner), Travis Collins and Zach Roth to form Deleter. The band's full-length debut recalls Dischord-era post-hardcore, though 'Screaming the Song Of Hiawatha,' today's free MP3, hints at the softer belly of At the Drive-In, with a bit of indie rock thrown in. Several tracks from the self-titled album would fit in nicely on a mixtape among tracks by contemporaries Self-Defense Family and AC4.

Deleter arrived on the Minneapolis scene at an interesting time, and we can only hope that locals wrap their heads around what the group is doing sonically. It's not every Friday night at The Triple Rock that you hear something like this, and they'll absolutely stand out on any bill they share.

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