Crown Point, rising stars of Portland's 2013's alt-rock scene, are giving a new meaning to the term "road dog" with their record-breaking itinerary. Although they've only been together for two years, the group has already toured through 44 of the 50 states and played alongside such artists as Mat Kearney, Matt White and Augustana. The band's brand of palatable, Muse-style prog combines dancey rhythms and edgy rock with dual lead vocals, much to the delight of indie fans and radio devotees internationally.

"'Curtains Drawn' is a song that uses the metaphors of morning, light, and an open window to challenge us to remove all the things in our lives that keep us from living life to the fullest; from living with purpose and meaning," co-frontman Jon Davidson told, explaining today's free MP3. Watch out for the band as they head your way in support of 'Curtains,' their latest EP.
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