
Consider This: Your Crappy Website Doesn’t Work With Apple Computers
Consider This: Your Crappy Website Doesn’t Work With Apple Computers
Consider This: Your Crappy Website Doesn’t Work With Apple Computers
I am an Apple convert. It took a bit, but I switched over to an Apple computer and an iPhone within the same week. You know why? Because the stuff works. No slowdowns, lock ups or any other nonsense. It's like a lamp. You turn it on and it works.  Yeah, Apple stuff is expensive, but my most valuable resource is time and it just got to the point where all the time spent fixing my p.c. wasn't worth
10 Worst Mortal Kombat Characters
10 Worst Mortal Kombat Characters
10 Worst Mortal Kombat Characters
Of the over 64 characters in Mortal Kombat, they can’t all be zingers, right? Yep, in fact, there are quite a few characters in the series that are decidedly not winning any awards for design.
Google Is Developing an App to Keep You From Seeing Spoilers, You’re Welcome
Google Is Developing an App to Keep You From Seeing Spoilers, You’re Welcome
Google Is Developing an App to Keep You From Seeing Spoilers, You’re Welcome
It’s a familiar scenario for most people: You haven’t watched the latest episode of Game of Thrones or Mad Men, or you’ve yet to make it to the theater to check out the latest movie your friends have all been gushing over. But social media is an irresistible force, so you hop on Twitter or Facebook anyway, and soon find yourself navigating a minefield. At any given moment, you might read a spoiler. Lucky for you, there may soon be an app for that.

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