We frequently get food delivered to our offices. It can range from BBQ, to pizza, to desserts. Yesterday I got an email that said we had Blue Bell ice cream dropped off. I didn't think much of it because I had already left the office, and I really shouldn't eat ice cream.

Then this morning, Buzz mentions we have a bunch of ice cream left over in the freezer and it's the new Blue Bell Camo 'n Cream. So of course I had to try it. Even though I shouldn't be having ice cream, being lactose intolerant. It has pistachios in it for crying out loud!

What exactly is in it? It's made of Pistachio Almond, Milk Chocolate, and cream cheese ice cream. Take those colors together and you an ice cream that looks like camo, and tastes like heaven.

To check out all of what Blue Bell offers, just head on over to their website.

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