In Round 1 of the extreme metal olympics, it's Austria against Poland as Belphegor's Lucifer Incestus takes on Behemoth's The Satanist. Boasting similar sonic qualities, blending black metal with death metal, this matchup is a scorcher early in the competition!

Representing Austria are blackened death metal vets Belphegor and their 2003 standout Lucifer Incestus. Volleying between black metal aesthetics and bludgeoning death metal riffs, Helmuth’s grunts lie somewhere in between the two styles, spewing blasphemies and extreme fetishistic desires. Blast beat-laden tracks like “Lucifer Incestus,” “F--k the Blood of Christ” and “Demonic Staccato Erection” are all Hell-ordained heresies that helped break Belphegor into the collective underground conscience.

When Behemoth stormed back in 2014 with their career-defining The Satanist, the Polish blackened death metal act didn’t just release an album; they released a statement. Mainman Nergal triumphed over a rigorous battle with leukemia, solidifying his personal belief system: Satanism. Masterfully arranged with familiar moments of blast and fill intensity found on “Furor Divinus” and “Ora Probis Lucifer” to exploring new elements on the closer “O Father O Satan O Sun!,” Behemoth bested themselves two decades into their career.

Which album will move on to the Quarterfinals of the Extreme Metal Olympics? Vote for either Belphegor's Lucifer Incestus or Behemoth's The Satanist in the poll below and check out a song from each album beneath the poll if you're unfamiliar.

(This poll will end on Thursday, Aug. 11, at 9AM ET. Fans are able to vote once per hour, so keep coming back to make sure your favorite song wins!)


Belphegor, "F--k the Blood of Christ"

Behemoth, "Ora Pro Nobis Lucifer"

Extreme Metal Olympics Matchups

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