3 Doors Down drummer Greg Upchurch tell us that the band likes to bring the rock onstage, but at the same time tries to keep things rated PG for the younger folks in the audience.

The band has been out supporting their July release ‘The Time of My Life,’ and they have recently seen more all ages shows than they did even a few years ago.

“It’s just kind of bizarre because we meet people that are adults and tell us ‘I was 10 years old and seeing you was my first concert,’ he tells LoudWire. “That’s when you realize how long you’ve been doing this.”

He continues, “Our singer [Brad Arnold] doesn’t swear or use vulgarity. We want people to feel comfortable bringing their kids to our shows. It’s easier for them if they don’t have to get a babysitter … Everybody remembers their first concerts and it’s pretty cool for us, to be that memorable to them. Hopefully they’ll come again [as they get older].”

The infusion of new fans also gives the band plenty of fresh ears for its new songs as well as classics like ‘Kryptonite’ and ‘Loser.”

“It’s great because I feel like the fans are signing along with the new songs,” he says. “I see them doing that even when we just start to play.”

3 Doors Down will be performing at their Better Life Foundation charity show with special guests Seether this Saturday, Nov. 19, in Tunica, Miss. Check out our recap and photo gallery of 3DD’s recent NYC gig.


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