
Abilene Mayor Proclaims Today as ‘Texting and Driving: It Can Wait’ Day – What Are Your Thoughts on Texting and Driving? [VIDEO]
Abilene Mayor Proclaims Today as ‘Texting and Driving: It Can Wait’ Day – What Are Your Thoughts on Texting and Driving? [VIDEO]
Abilene Mayor Proclaims Today as ‘Texting and Driving: It Can Wait’ Day – What Are Your Thoughts on Texting and Driving? [VIDEO]
It's bad enough that many people who talk on their phones while driving tend to not pay full attention to the road.  Add texting to that, and you have a very dangerous situation on the roads.  The mayor of Abilene, Norm Archibald, has proclaimed today (September 19th) as 'Texting and Driving: It Can Wait' Day.