Feel like you could use a bit more dystopian thrillers in your life? Check out Republique, which is the App Store's "Free App of the Week."

According to developer Camouflaj, the first episode of Republique will be available for free on the iOS App Store from June 5 through June 12.

"From the very beginning it has been our goal to bring République to as many people as possible," Ryan Payton, a designer at Camouflaj, said. "Thanks to our friends at Apple, we’re excited to bring our game to a whole new audience. We hope these new players enjoy Episode 1 as much as we loved making it.”

Interested parties can download Episode 1 and jump into the game as Hope as she tries to escape "the Man" and avoid capture by the Overseer. She'll be able to use a stolen phone to make contact with the player, asking them to hack into surveillance systems and guide her to safety.

What makes Republique so impressive is that it seeks to pack a AAA experience into a small package, made more awesome by the inclusion of voice talents like Jennifer Hale (Commander Shepard from Mass Effect) and David Hayter (Solid Snake from the Metal Gear Solid series). Episode 2: Metamorphosis was released on April 30 and combines stealth action and puzzle-focused gameplay to deliver another great experience.

Download Episode 1 now to try it out. If you find yourself into it, you can get Episode 2: Metamorphosis for $4.99 or the season pass for $14.99. Episode 3 will be released in Summer 2014.

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