Win Passes to See Metallica at Town & Country Drive-in + More Prizes
This is a huge week for Metallica fans out there as the band will be releasing S&M 2 (their reunion performance with the San Francisco Symphony) and they'll be hitting the big screen, on Saturday, at drive-ins across America, including our very own Town & Country Drive-in.
To do our part, with this massive celebration of Metallica, we've teamed up with their management company, Q Prime, to hook you Metalli-freaks up with a bunch of cool prizes.
If you want a chance to win, you'll need to download our free app and have alerts turned on. We'll send out app-alerts all week for chances to win a variety of prizes.

What are we giving away? Glad you asked.
We've got a bunch of passes for Metallica's event at the Town & Country Drive-in on Saturday. These passes will also come with a download for Metallica's "S&M 2".
But wait, there's more.
We'll also give you chances to win S&M 2 on vinyl, Blu Ray, CD, CD/DVD, digital downloads of the music, and digital downloads of HD Video.
So download our app now and get ready to win with Metallica, Q Prime, and Rock 108.
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