
Veteran's Day Discounts
Veteran's Day Discounts
Veteran's Day Discounts
Our military veterans have given so much of themselves to protect us that it seems impossible to repay them. Here are a few businesses that will be offering special Veteran's Day discounts.
Dusty Hill, of ZZ Top, Campaigns for the Aid of Our Veterans [VIDEO]
Dusty Hill, of ZZ Top, Campaigns for the Aid of Our Veterans [VIDEO]
Dusty Hill, of ZZ Top, Campaigns for the Aid of Our Veterans [VIDEO]
How many times have you seen a 'homeless' person on the side of the road with a sign that read 'Homeless Veteran, Please Help'? Probably too many times to count. Well, over 60,000 veterans are on the street or in shelters and Dusty Hill, of ZZ Top, went to the web to campaign for the help for our veterans.